Intravenous (IV) Sedation:
- Refrain from the intake of food or liquid (even water, except for taking scheduled medication) for a minimum of six hours prior to the appointment.
- Medications prescribed by your physician should be taken with a small amount of water unless informed otherwise by our office.
- A responsible adult must accompany you to drive you home and remain with you for 24 hours or until fully recovered from the sedation. Minors must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian.
- Wear a short sleeve shirt or blouse.
Inhalation Sedation (laughing gas):
- Limit the intake of food and liquid (no dairy products) to a light meal up to two hours prior to the procedure.
- Medications prescribed by your physician should be taken unless directed otherwise.If you would like a different type of sedation other than the one you have originally scheduled, please call us as soon as possible so that we may schedule the appropriate amount of time for your treatment.
We ask that the person who accompanies you remain in the reception room until your treatment is completed.
Burlington Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Doctors Conlon, Bruksch, Ozment, Richard, Fay, and Schmidt
190 Gardner Ave., Ste. 8 | Burlington, WI 53105
Phone: 262-763-8101 | Fax: 262-763-8103
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am – noon
Hours may vary occasionally due to hospital surgery and emergencies.